
All the proceeds obtained from the sale of these NFT orbits will be given directly to organizations supporting Ukrainian refugees.

We are working on the problem of how to increase resilience, and visualize trust between individuals and organizations in a polarized, tech-mediated world. We are trying to create a new way to visualize trust relationships through an interdisciplinary approach using art and data. Now more than ever resilience and compassion are necessary for our well-being—especially for students, scholars, refugees and front-line workers assisting them.

A black hole distorts, stretches, and tears apart all matter in its neighborhood. Using Pamela Davis Kivelson’s art inspired by Ukraine as input, the Emergence Collective plotted black hole orbits in order to reveal the ways in which creative works and paintings of astronomical size would get distorted, break apart, and disintegrate in the vicinity of a black hole. Part of the painting spirally falls into the black hole, while the rest picks up enough energy to escape the black hole. What you see in these: BHO or orbits is what happens to them as they are rotated and distorted over time. Voices in a democracy, like these images, can get distorted and lose information, but they will always retain their essence.

Portrait of A DakhaBrakha Performer.